What Can Hypnosis do for You?
Setting Goal Standards
Do we mean the “gold standard?” No, not at all. The golden rule is that our goals don’t need to be strictly financial. Of course, it can be, but setting goals and staying on the right track will lead you to good fortune. Whether or not it is through a monetary gain is up to you. But let’s work on those goals!
If we think hard enough, chances are we can think of a habit or two or three that we’d like to remove from our lives. Easier said than done, right? On your own, possibly. But let’s end these bad habits together!
It’s true what many people say, “we are our own biggest critic.” Despite knowing this, we continue to be the main negative influencer of our life. Society programs us to be this way. Let society live in the hate and negativity, and let’s fill you with positivity and love. Many love you, so start loving yourself!
More About Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis, also referred to as hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion, is a trance-like state in which you have heightened focus and concentration. Hypnosis is conducted with a hypnotherapist using verbal repetition and mental images. When under hypnosis, you tend to feel more relaxed as you enter a calm state of mind. You tend to be open to suggestions when you’re tensed mental guard is down and is compliant.
Hypnosis can be used to help gain control over undesired behaviors or to help you cope with anxiety or pain. It's important to know that although you're more open to suggestions during hypnosis, you don't lose control over your behavior
How Effective is Hypnosis?
American Health Magazine Compared 3 Different
Types Of Therapy and discovered how effective hypnosis is
Behavioral Therapy
How does the Mind Work?
Homeostasis: Homeostasis is our innate unconscious drive to “stay the same,” meaning resistant to all changes at a subconscious level. While we may desire a change in our feelings, reactions, or habits, at a deeper level, our subconscious defense mechanism seeks to preserve the status quo. So, while talking, planning, discussing, and understanding of behavior are all important concepts, they do not address our subconscious need to sabotage our success and/or efforts to change.
Neuroplasticity: On a personal, spiritual, and behavioral level, neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change throughout an individual’s life. Our ability to changes beliefs, emotional responses, and behavioral habits are dependent on the flexibility of our mind. Hypnosis, therapeutic imagery, mindfulness, and more are the tools used in hypnotherapy to facilitate the internal, emotional, and behavioral flexibility needed to overcome homeostasis.
You can simply think of a Hypnotherapist as a Life Coach for the Subconscious Mind.